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Sports Law


The firm’s client includes the sporting fraternity consisting of sports organizations, teams as well as individual players.

Sports Law

Artemis Law Associates firm has advised various such organizations including individuals on issues involving sports arbitration or sports litigation. Our clients benefit from our extensive knowledge, negotiating and drafting of contracts, intellectual property law etc. We have significant reputation for dealing with some of the most noteworthy sports related issues.

India is also a signatory to various agreements related to IP such as the Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and Paris Convention. India is the 17th International Searching Authority (ISA) within the PCT system by the Patent Amendment Rules, 2016 which allows for applicants to select India as a competent ISA for international applications, this enables innovators to file their invention in multiple countries and monopolize on their Patent faster.

At Artemis, we acknowledge the initiatives undertaken by the Government to encourage innovation. We provide end to end services including:

· Devising strategies for patent protection

· Comprehensive Novelty and Patentability Search

· Drafting of high-quality Patent Applications (Provisional, Conventional, Complete)

· Filing and Prosecution of Application

· Replying and managing Patent application till grant.

· Renewal & Maintenance

· Working statement